American Solar Corporation
150 Harbor Dr. #68
Sausalito, CA 94965
CA License 905389 



Residential Installations for Homeowners
(415) 868-1111 ext. 1

Design Build / Contractor Services
(415) 868-1111 ext. 8

(415) 868-1111 ext. 5

Please contact us to discuss how we can make your home energy-smart and disaster resilient.

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American Solar Corporation is not affiliated with any similarly named entities that use robo calls and, in some cases, illegal telemarketing tactics. 

We are a family-owned San Francisco Bay Area business, and as such we maintain close connections with our clients and do not employ telemarketers. This means we will never contact you for any personal or financial information.  

We have been made aware of an overseas phishing scam of an entity with a similar name to American Solar Corporation. The scammers’ actions have led to unfavorable reviews about our services, which we are actively working to rectify. We encourage you to notify us of any suspicious activity. or (510) 746-2500