Bay Area Churches Get Religion On Green Energy
From the Marin Independent Journal, an article about how houses of worship are embracing solar as a powerful tool to improve their stewardship of the environment. With Pope Francis bringing the issue front and center with his environmental encyclical, both the Episcopal Diocese of California and California Interfaith Power & Light, an ecumenical environmental organization of 600 California congregations, are stepping up their efforts to increase the adoption of solar in faith communities.
The impact of these environmental efforts go even further. Many congregations have affiliated schools, and through this work the green message is communicated and promoted towards a new generation.
American Solar’s Pacific Green Energy Program is designed to support schools and houses of worship, both important cornerstones of our society. The program opens a path towards energy independence through solar ownership, which is by far the best and most economical way for them to cut costs and strengthen their core services.
Schools and houses of worship routinely serve as shelters and resource centers during community emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, and other disasters. Solar brings a whole new level of resilience to these facilities, greatly improving their usefulness in these emergencies.
Please contact Charlie Gregg at for more information.